Nexsure® Release (12-15-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Ability to bulk update the Bill To section of policies and unposted invoices from the client locations summary (F8667)
- Extend addition of employee personal address when adding new People Reconciliations (F9047)
- Add Aegis Personal Lines coverage codes (F9035)
- Add Berkley One coverage codes (F9081)
- Add auto-login for Kentucky AGC Self Insurers' Fund (F9099)
- Add eServices for Crusader Insurance Company (F9100)
- ACORD 80: Ability to add half percentage points into deductible fields (F9046)
Resolved Issues
- Include policies with a Received status in the group defined as "In Force" policies in Campaigns (D28077)
- ACORD forms refreshing even though "Refresh Form Prefills" is not checked when renewing or market existing policies (D28218, D28308)
- Count duplicated on dashboard if user is added as an assignment more than one time (D28233)
- Unable to export Summary of Insurance to Excel or Word from machines using certain versions of Internet Explorer (D27446)
- Error when trying to print Summary of Insurance on some versions of Internet Explorer (D27964)
- Unable to select email address in "To" field if there is an apostrophe in last name (D28098)
- Merge to PDF not sending attachments that have extract document security on them (D28263)
- Delivered certificates sometimes missing holder information (D27341)
- Using Mass Email on a Certificate and selecting a delivery template with an attachments errors when trying to send (D28057)
- Auto-Owners vehicle collision checkbox and deductible are not populating ACORD 127/137MI for BCOLL coverage code (D28202)
- Hastings Mutual vehicle collision checkbox and deductible are not populating ACORD 127/137MI for BCOLL coverage code (D28259)
- Acuity vehicle collision checkbox and deductible not populating 127/137 MI for BCOLL coverage code (D28274)
- Update eServices for Society Insurance (D28268)
- Pemco policy inquiry is stopping early (D28314)
- United Healthcare auto-login is stopping at login page (D28313)
- Update Additional Login type from FirstComp to Markel/FirstComp (D28312)
- Populating a BOP change request wipes out Producer Applicant and Billing Information on ACORD 175 (D28128)
- AIA Aviation form to ACORD 21 populating liability coverage under Hull rather than liability (D28172)
- Add latest issuing company NY DMV company codes to database so they populate auto id cards (D28286)
- ACORD 130: State Rating Info, Terrorism Premium and Catastrophe Premium do not allow for input of cents (D28081)
- ACORD 152 Scheduled Equipment mapped to ACORD 175 overflow vs. ACORD 175 (D28124)
- ACORD 2 wizard error when clicking Next from Witnesses/Passengers section (D28265)
- No Summary of Insurance coverages appearing for ACORD 130FL (D28287)